Question #3
Question #3: What are you learning about in class? What are the big ideas that you are learning about?
- Vanishing points and space
- Learning about resources in Canada
- Math: fractions and Science: Diversity
- That I learn my math and I learn my printing letters and I do my writer's workshop
- favourite subject is learning about the environnment and pollution and what is pollution
heard some news from the govn't that there can be no more pollution
- We are learning division and the water cycle
- Money
- Right now learning about money and then I was learning about hmmm.....Math. In Spelling we are learning how to spell things.
- In science we're doing the classification system and like the 5 kingdoms like fungi, proteans, monera, animalia
- Math--studying for a test coming up on and it is gonna be about graphing, tables and that's it
Science--learning about different cycles, water cycle and the rock cycle, Itthe earth was back then and how we evolved
- We are learning about money, nickel, quarter, dime, toonie, loonie
- Learning how to different kinds of lifestyles and what you can take from them and use in the future
- Science learning the species
- Social studies because we have big projects--learning about resource in CAnada and we are split into groups and we have to learn about one learns about lumber, one about trees, one about people, one about food
- Right now we are just learning about the solar system
Tuesday, November 30, 2021