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Developing Our School Wide Common Language - Where to Next?

As a staff we have been discussing the importance of developing some common language, or a set of expectations, for our school that we can all follow and breath life into to help build a positive learning community for everyone.

For our second professional development day, we dedicated our time toward thinking about what common values we all share and what we all feel are the critical elements of a learning community where everyone thrives and everyone feels safe.

For this day we were very fortunate to have the the support of two Area Counsellors, Marnie and Evelynn, who are also members of our district's Social Responsibility Team in SEL. Staff first participated in visioning activities where we dove into what we all felt an ideal school looks like, sounds like, and feel like. From there we were able to see what thoughts we all shared and what we felt were integral pieces in a successful learning community. We also were asked to choose one word that we each felt captures and encompasses what would be most impactful for our learners when it is woven throughout our community. Please see the attachment for images of reflections and ideas shared by our staff. You'll likely see some themes emerge as you look through them. By participating in this activity, our intention is to think about the values that we would like for our common language to support and breath life into so that we are best able to meet the needs of our learners.

Updated: Friday, July 7, 2023