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Scanning Results

All students in Division 1 - 6 were provided with an time and space to answer our 5 scanning questions, which were: 

  1. Can you name two friends in the school that you can trust your feelings with? (yes or no)
  2. How many adults in the school do you feel believe you will be a success in life? (none, one, two, three, more than three)
  3. Do you feel you belong here in your school community of Jessie Wowk Elementary? (yes, no, sometimes)
  4. What do you need from your school that will help you build meaningful friendships? (open ended responses)
  5. What do you need from your school that will help you do your best work? (open ended responses)

All students used an iPad to complete the survey through a program called ClassApps, which allowed the information to be nicely collated and presented. Please see the attached PDF documents for a breakdown of our students' responses.


Updated: Saturday, July 9, 2022