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PAC Minutes May 2024

May 28 PAC Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Mr. Daum, Michelle Miao, Anita Canizo, Crystal Leung, Fung Chan, Yvonne Lin, Tonia Fok, Arnold Fok, Karen Leung, Olivia Hao, Victoria Brown, Bri Davidson, Jon Lau, Kelly Su, Charmain So, Jeta Babalia, Chris Wang, Tiffany Wong, Dan Sang, Jing Luan, Kitter Man, Candy Lou, Angie Wong, Natalie Lau, Mabel Kwok, Amelia Leung, Josie Xu, Lawrence Chan, Kaori Xu, Zoey Zhang, Yanny Yeung, Pamela Chan, Monica Hou, Belle Leung

Treasurer Report for May 28, 2024:

  • May 25, this is our financial position
    • General Account Balance - $63,308.12
    • Gaming Account Balance - $3,356.00
      • Gaming account is from the BC Lottery Corp. and is used to supplement kids’ experience at school
      • Money can be carried over but is supposed to be used within the same year in which it is received
    • Note the balances are just a snapshot.  Munch A Lunch forwards us the money for the fundraisers we have already scheduled and we have not incurred the costs for many of the fundraisers yet even the ones that have already happened as cheques have not been cashed.
  • Total funds raised from food days so far to date ~ $17,000 with 64 food days.
  • Revenue and Expenses in May were mainly related to the food days.
    • Frozen yogurt fundraiser - raised around $208.
    • We also had the Saleema Noon workshop $393.75 from general account for the parents zoom, $630.00 from the gaming account.
    • Starting to get more expenses coming through for the teacher's classroom allocations (~$750 for May).
    • We have not received the invoices for the nine classroom projectors yet but expected to buy around $20,000.
  • Typically $20,000-$30,000 is a good balance to have in the general account

Sports Day

  • Sports Day will be on June 7
  • PAC securing food truck (Japadog) where parents can order ahead of time or order on the day of
  • Previously, Freezies were brought in, but this year would like to ask PAC to consider yogurt tubes or fruits (apples, watermelon)
  • All families are welcome to come and have picnic with their children
  • This year’s theme is Spongebob Square Pants

Frozen Yogurt

  • Will bring back one time in June
  • Consider adding a few more flavours

Fruit and Milk Program

  • Currently 1-2 times a month (12 deliveries in total); before it was free but there will be a cost starting next year (at about $0.85 / piece of fruit to a total of $2200 per year at one serving / child / delivery) à Voted yes to continue for next year
  • Feeding Future’s Funding should be able to cover most of this cost (we will apply)
  • Can consider putting extras / leftovers at the fridge at the front of the school
  • New coordinators for next year:
    • Requires Food Safe Certificate that PAC can pay for (one-day course on Saturdays)
    • Coordinators come in 1-1.5 hour early before dismissal to wash and deliver to classrooms (one tray per classroom)
    • Milk needs to be moved to the fridge once delivered
    • Volunteers for next year: Arnold Fok, Tiffany Wong and Dan Sang

Hot Lunch

  • Feedback for pasta à Good feedback; kids think it is a bit small but vendor does not offer different sizes
  • Request for volunteers as Hot Lunch is a PAC initiative so need parents to help (and not burden teachers) à Volunteers can sign up for 30 min increments like 12:10-12:40pm (see Sign Up Genius)
    • Can add Sign Up Genius link onto the PAC section on the Wowk website
  • Next year’s Hot Lunch Coordinator à Anita Canizo
  • Before COVID, used to take cash and sell pizza by the slice at the gym, and required 3 parents with Gr 6/7 to help distribute and created more interruption to teachers
  • Munch is easier (don’t need to handle cash and do pre-orders) but Munch takes a commission

Future Events

  • Staff Appreciation: Buffet style in making your own sandwich
  • Breakfast Club: June 14, the Friday after Sports Day
    • Morning at 8:15am
    • Last time we had COBS, but they want to more steady school business
    • This time PAC will buy cereal, muffins, etc.

Grad Committee Update

  • June 21, 9-10am Assembly
  • Need volunteers for set up for farewell party
  • Just started booking things for farewell party
  • This year’s theme is Alice in Wonderland
  • Grade 7 parents all have their roles à e.g. yearbook, theme, décor, photobooth, food, juice bar
  • It is requested that the Grad Committee provides cost breakdown as an example to hand off to the committee next year

Voting for PAC Executive Positions for 2024-2025 Year

  • Co-Chair à Arnold Fok + Michelle Miao
  • Treasurer à Crystal Leung
  • Secretary à Belle Leung
  • Members at Large à Karen Leung, Mabel Kwok, Tiffany Wong, Victoria Brown, Candy Lou


Updated: Friday, May 31, 2024