PAC Meeting Minutes - Oct 2020
- Meeting Began at 6:30pm
In attendance:
Mrs. Salewski, Alaric Wang, Jon Lau, Adrian, Charmain So, Dorothy, Eileen Buhr, Jeta, Belle Leung, Yanny Yeung, Austen Liu, Madline Zhang, Michelle Qiu, Kelly, Jessica Kuo, Jessica Zhang, Natalie Lau, Marissa, Mabel Kwok, Laura Chan, Yvonne Lee, Lea-Anne Domae, Wei-Ni Ho/Max, Leo Liu, Odelia
Welcome and Introductions:
- Alaric welcomed all the parents to the meeting
Jon reported on financials
Executive Team:
- Chairperson- Alaric Wang
- Treasurer - Jon Lau
- Secretary - Amelia Leung & Lee-Anne Domae
- Members at large - Belle Leung & Yanny Yeung
- RDPA Representative - Yanny Yeung & Mabel Kwok
Coordinator Appointments:
- Food Days - Jessica Kuo
- Fruit, Vegetable and Milk - Eva Jang & Charmain So
- Fundraising - Amelia Leung & Belle Leung
- Special Events: Amelia Leung & Belle Leung
- Grad Committee - Lisa Cheung & Michelle Qiu
- Outdoor Ed - Annie Fang, Jessica Li, Lily Qiu & Lisa Cheung
- Website - Yvonne/Steve Chan
* Nov 16th is the next day for Transitional Return
* Outdoor learning environment:
- Mrs. Lee is taking students outside for prep
* Mrs. Salewski’s report:
- School Events: All students participating with “Happiness Ribbons”, writing down what makes them happy and hanging the ribbons on the trees outside the school.
- Pro D day: October 23, 2020 Friday
- Halloween: Students can bring pumpkin to school but they will not be carving them. They will be decorating the pumpkins instead. Students are also allowed to wear their costumes to school.
- Remembrance Day Assembly: November 10, 2020 Tuesday
- Report Cards: Some teachers will be doing online E-portfolio and some teachers will be doing traditional report cards.
- The school has applied for a grant for an outdoor mural.
- Library Renovation (will need about $10,000):
- applied for grants (district grant)
- putting in new shelvings that can display books in different ways and allowing students to reach the top shelves
- changing the floors (old carpets) and computer stations
- library is the HUB of the school so students can display projects and utilize the new space to build, create, and use their imagination for many different things.
- include ceiling mounted projector & screen
- changing furniture to be more flexible, mobile and modern to help students display their ideas more easily
- Technology Upgrades: IPADS and Projectors need to be upgraded
- Fundraising:
- Donations can be made to the school through cash online with tax receipt being provided for donation $20 and over
- Ideas: Purdy’s Chocolate, Mom’s Pantry, Gift Cards
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm
Thursday, November 25, 2021